Any industrial refrigeration project requires engineering support that takes into account all the calculations and tech requirements to ensure its efficiency and harnessing.
Thus, our business development has led us to forge alliances with over 30 contractors from Latin America and the United States, with whom we further consolidate our commitment with national and international companies.
Through our solid alliances, we provide contractors with the required tools and support to complete their projects in the most efficient way:
Acquisition: update events on refrigeration, management and business finances.
Tech support: Backing and consultancy in the selection, installation, commissioning and after sales services on equipment and supplies.
Special guarantees to back projects thanks to our contact with prestigious manufacturers.
International Quality thanks to our portfolio which encompasses over 165 refrigeration and heat transfer product lines.
This is how, along with our allies, we provide a double commitment with the end users:
- Froztec International offers specialized engineering backup and state-of-the-art equipment.
- Our contractors offer the greatest efficiency in system installation and maintenance.
During 2 decades, we have guaranteed our contractors the best technological backup on industrial refrigeration, taking into account factors such as:
- Calculation and engineering effectiveness.
- Environmental care with new technologies.
- Energy savings in efficient teams.
- Technological vanguard working with world leader brands.
👉🏽 Know more about our growth story in the industry.
Our mission through all these years has been to provide the high-sophistication engineering for our international projects portfolio in industries as diverse as:
- Foods and beverages: refrigeration chambers and fish processing equipment, red meats, diary, fruits and vegetables.
- Industrial: metalworking and mining.
- Medical: laboratories and radiology.
- Pharmaceutics.
- Hospitality.
Froztec International further complements our support with technical training for our contractors; this allows us to provide the greatest engineering efficiency for technical complexities and challenges that come up in the XXI century industrial refrigeration stage.
We have 11 offices in 7 countries, where we have performed industrial refrigeration projects spanning from South America to the Middle East.
We also distribute refrigeration equipment through 4 warehouses in USA, Mexico and Colombia; thanks to its strategic locations, we can provide equipment without delay.
Froztec backs up international refrigeration projects
Our strategic alliances are designed so that each and every single refrigeration project boosts the growth of your company.
The Froztec International team works along with you to meet all refrigeration equipment needs with specialized and guaranteed supplies.
This is the collaboration philosophy we use when developing part of the international projects that integrate our success stories:
- Industrial projects for food product processing and preservation, such as poultry. In this sector, we have worked with companies such as Itacol Panama y Quality Poultry Products of Belize.
- On 2018 we provided our support to Avoir Hylife Mexico, a Mexican company that developed a pork meat processing facility in Salvatierra, Guanajuato during 5 years.
- Craft beer production has witnessed the participation of Froztec International with Cervecería Libertad; we helped provide a refrigeration system that is able to bear a 30 thousand liter (7926 gal.) monthly production.
- Likewise, we have collaborated with international companies who lead the industrial baking sector, as in the Dawn Foods case: a facility located in Oman, whose production is distributed all over the Middle East, including the massive Saudi Market.
Our contractors from diverse sectors and industries have the opportunity to work with the best technological brands, which design and produce equipment and components of world prestige along the commercial and industrial refrigeration industry. Some of these leading brands are:
- Krack, from who we are official distributors in Florida, USA.
- Alfa Laval, with the high support of their heat exchange technology.
- Drake, specialists in water or air cooled Chillers.
- Bitzer, experts in refrigeration compressors.
- Hussmann, provider of food refrigeration focused equipment.
Upon becoming part of our contractor team, we can provide you with refrigeration solutions designed for each industry and backed with the best engineering that will allow you to achieve top efficiency at the best investment price.
It allows our specialized team to provide you specific consultancy for your project.
The success of the contractor companies, the satisfaction of end clients and state-of-the-art technology are central to our efforts. We look forward to working with you!
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